As the Holcane hunting party leads the captives into the forest, one of them, Snake Ink ( Rodolfo Palacios), notices Jaguar Paw looking towards the cistern as they pass.
All the surviving captives are tied up and led away, attached to each other on long poles while the children of the village are left with none but the dead for company. Flint Sky tells his son not to be afraid as Middle Eye props him up and slits his throat. Middle Eye ( Gerardo Taracena), a raider nearly killed by Jaguar Paw, nicknames him 'Almost'.
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Jaguar Paw attempts to free his father but is knocked down by a raider. Blunted is held down while Sky Flower is forced into a hut where she is presumably raped and killed. He ties a rope to a nearby rock so that they can climb out again before running back to the village to help, killing a raider along the way. Jaguar Paw takes his wife and son and puts them in a deep cistern to hide. Warriors appear, igniting huts and apprehending the villagers. The following morning, Jaguar Paw wakes early from a dream and notices fire torches quickly approaching the village. The villagers begin to play music and dance but Jaguar Paw's mind is distracted until Seven brings him back. That night, an old storyteller ( Espiridion Acosta Cache) tells how man once received gifts from the forest until the forest had nothing left to give. Blunted yells at him but starts laughing with everyone else. Flint Sky falls to the ground laughing, as the leaves he gave Blunted were meant to cause a burning sensation when rubbed. Moments after entering their hut, Blunted runs out screaming and holding his privates before seating himself in a water trough. Blunted returns to his wife, Sky Flower ( Iazua Larios), whose mother ( María Isabel Díaz Lago) impatiently tells him to hurry and give her grandchildren. Jaguar Paw goes to his hut and admires his small son, Turtles Run ( Carlos Emilio Báez), before greeting his very pregnant wife, Seven ( Dalia Hernández). Just before they get back, Flint Sky explains to his son that the refugees were infected with fear and that it should not be brought into the village to fester. His father silences him and they return to their village.

They exchange food before the group moves on, though Jaguar Paw is keen to know more about what happened. One of them, a fisherman ( Hiram Soto), addresses Jaguar Paw and explains that their village was attacked and that they are seeking a new beginning.

They are soon interrupted by a band of refugees passing through the forest, looking downtrodden. Jaguar Paw's father, Flint Sky ( Morris Birdyellowhead) offers some remedial help, giving Blunted some red leaves that he instructs him to use the next time he and his wife try. Blunted ( Jonathan Brewer) receives the tapir's testicles as the brunt of a joke since he and his wife have yet to have any children. Young Jaguar Paw ( Rudy Youngblood) puts the tapir out of its misery and eagerly divides its internal organs between his fellow hunters Curl Nose ( Amilcar Ramírez), Smoke Frog ( Israel Contreras), and Cocoa Leaf ( Israel Ríos).
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A tapir runs frantically through the forest before it springs a trip wire trap and is impaled on a swinging branch full of spikes.