If I could confidently get fast w/ Broni or a folder, or even the blad, it would change the tempest between my ears. My fear is that Michr is right - you want fast, say g'bye to mf. People seemed happy, but none of their images are on the same block as the MamiRolleiFuji. As you might guess, I looked around for info on them. Theo, It may be I've seen all the wrong stuff, but I've not seen any images from the Bessa that sting the eyes w/ sharpness like the Mami, Fuji or Rollei. If it weren't for this issue, I'd simply sell a blad & get a Mami6 for its compactness. But the problem reports would say others haven't been as lucky as you've been. Maybe I could get one and live happily ever after. Now this is at a quality level where the differences require crops to see, but I need no convincing about their glass. In looking at the crops, the Fuji held its own w/ the blad. I've seen 3 evals comparing Rollei, Mami7, 500cm, fuji. 'Seems like all the good ones get discontinued.Įd, the mami glass is what calls my name. I don't know what serviceability would be like, but it looks like a nice camera along the lines of the better MFRF. 'Haven't seen images from them, but a quick look at reviews would give a good impression. If its workable for the fast shot, I have some learning & practice (lots) to do. I suspect in the right hands, this would embarrass AF, linked rangefinders, etc. I've been hearing 'scale focus' alot, and rightly or wrongly - I hear it as 'focus smochas'.
The little Retina & Ikonta know how to push my buttons. Jim, I share the fondness for the old folder. When I want to do thoughtful shooting, there's nothing I'd rather use. In fact, I got them from taking the Rockwell recommendation that if poor design/build quality would drive you nuts - get the 'blad.